POTOMAC, MD -- In 2017, The David Reznick Foundation was excited to make a generous donation to Wichita Habitat for Humanity, to be used to revitalize and build affordable housing in one of the city's most blighted areas. In the years since the donation, the funds helped to facilitate the purchase of 15 lots, including one lot that was used for the construction of a three-bedroom home (sponsored by The David Reznick Foundation).
"David devoted his life and career to increasing the availability of affordable housing and revitalizing neighborhoods, so we're excited to be able to accomplish that with this grant to Wichita Habitat for Humanity," said Maxine Siegel, The David Reznick Foundation's advocacy director. "This gives the foundation great pride because we know it will provide long-term stability for families for generations and strengthen a neighborhood."
"The David Reznick Foundation gift will recharge the community revitalization efforts we began in the A. Price Woodward neighborhood through 'Rock the Block' in 2014," said Ann Fox, Wichita Habitat for Humanity executive director. "The gift will allow us to further impact the community by increasing the number of owner-occupied homes and bring the pride of homeownership to the neighborhood through the acquisition of vacant properties and construction of one new affordable home."